Health Office

Update Medical Information

Welcome to the Health Office
Phone: (585) 243-1730 x2154
Fax: (585) 243-4267

Pre K-12 Nurses
Mrs. Valerie Kingsley, RN

Mrs. Aurora Norman, LPN


Please call the Attendance Office when your child is not going to be in school.
For grades Pre-K-5 call (585) 243-1730 ext. 2146, for grades 6-12 call (585) 243-1730 ext. 2217.
If you do not call to report your child's absence, the Attendance offices will call you to check on your child and make sure that they are safe with you. When your child returns to school, he or she is listed as illegally absent until we receive a written excuse from you. New York State requires a written excuse when your child returns to school.

Guide to Managing Respiratory Illnesses
(Flu, Rhinovirus/Enterovirus (common cold), Covid, RSV, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, etc.)

 Return to normal activities when symptoms are improving overall, and if a fever was present, it has been gone without use of fever-reducing medication, for at least 24 hours.

 Once people resume normal activities, they are encouraged to take additional prevention strategies for the next five days to curb disease spread, such as taking more steps for cleaner air, enhancing hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitted mask and keeping a distance from others.

Fight the flu information English

Click on the Flu Poster for a Larger View in English and Spanish
Visit the NYS Department of Health website for more information about how to fight the flu and other illnesses

The Health Office

  • Cares for ill children and provides first aid to students with minor injuries.

  • Handles all emergency cases.

  • Notifies parents of injury and health problems as warranted.

  • Administers authorized medication. (*see policy below)

  • Tests hearing and vision per NYS screening guidelines (you will be notified of any abnormalities)

  • Screens students for scoliosis per NYS screening guidelines (you will be notified of any abnormalities)

  • Provides individual health counseling.


In accordance with Public Health Law #2164, all children entering school must be immunized against polio, measles, Rubella, mumps, hepatitis B, tetanus, varicella, pertussis and diphtheria. Proof must be presented at the time of registration that these immunizations are completed or at least started and will be completed by the time school begins in the fall.

  • Students who are entering 6th grade and who are 11 years of age or older must receive Tdap vaccine before entering 6th grade.
    (This vaccine is not the same as the DTaP administered before age 7 years old). 

  • Students entering 7th grade are required to have a  single dose of meningococcal.

  • Students entering 12th grade are required to have 2 doses or 1 dose of meningococcal if the dose was received at 16 years of age or older. 


Any accidents occurring during the day, whether in the school building or on school grounds must be reported immediately to the child's teacher, the School Nurse or the Elementary or Middle/High school office. Any accident occurring during a school sponsored activity that takes place outside of school hours must be reported the next school day.

Any child who suffers a serious injury or illness during the summer must present a statement from his/her doctor stating that it is all right for him/her to participate in any physical activity, including free play.

Be sure to discuss with the teacher and school nurse any physical condition which might require special care or limited activity.

Illnesses at School

If a student become ill during school hours and, in the opinion of the School Nurse, should not remain for the rest of the day, arrangements will be made to have the child sent home. The parents or person designated by them will be called at home or at work and will be expected to pick up their child or make arrangements to have the child transported home. An ill child should not ride a school bus home.

It is essential that the Health Office and Elementary or Middle/High office have on file a phone number for emergency contact for each child. When a parent can't be reached, it is imperative that we have additional adult contacts to care for the child's needs. All calls regarding dismissal due to illness or injury will be made through the Health Office.

Medication Policy

School Nurses are prohibited by NYS Education law from dispensing medication to school children without specific, written authorization from parents and the primary health care provider. This applies to both prescription medications and over the counter items.

If parents expect a medication to be dispensed to a child during school hours, the following requirements must be met:

  1. From the primary health care provider or prescriber- a written request indicating frequency and dosage of the prescribed medication,
    for both over the counter medications (ex. Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough drops) and prescription medications.

  2. From the parent- a written request to administer the medication as specified by the prescriber.

  3. By the parent- direct personal delivery of the medication to the school nurse.

  4. Parents-Please request an empty labeled bottle from the pharmacist. This will be used for field trips.

The authorization described above is valid for the one school year only. It must be updated with the start of each new school year. Forms for Authorization for Administration of Medication in School are available on the Health Office Forms page. A medication authorization form is also required to be on file if a student self-carries/self-administers an emergency medication such as an inhaler for asthma. Not only is this NYS law, but it also keeps the school nurse informed of student's health concerns, allowing her to be of assistance in a health emergency. Parents of children who require special attention for medical reasons should discuss the condition with the school nurse as soon as possible after school starts.

Physicals and Dental Health Certificates

New York State law requires a health examination for all students entering the school district for the first time and when entering Pre-K or K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grade. The examination must be completed by a New York State licensed physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner and on the Required NYS School Health Examination Form.

 A dental certificate which states your child has been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist is also asked for at the same time.  

  • A copy of the health examination must be provided to the school within 30 days from when your child first starts at the school, and when your child starts Pre-K or K, 1st ,3rd , 5th, 7th , 9th  & 11th grades. If a copy is not given to the school within 30 days, the school will contact you.

  • If your child has an appointment for an exam during this school year that is after the first 30 days of school, please notify the Health Office with the date.

  • Communication between private and school health staff is important for safe and effective care at school. Your healthcare provider may not share health information with school health staff without your signed permission. Please talk to your provider about signing their consent form for the school at the time of your child’s appointment for the examination.